TYL®-ChemTard Agent
Water Based Concrete Retarder / 石屎慢乾劑
TYL-ChemTard Agent is specially formulated for treating the exposed surfaces of concrete in order to retard the setting of the matrix of wet concrete, such that after releasing the concrete from the shutters, the surface film of cement paste may be washed or bushed away. This leaves the aggregate exposed as a clean textured surface, or as a keyed background for plaster and render work. TYL-ChemTard Agent can be used to produce satisfactory joints in structural concrete without the expense and time required for hacking or bushes hammering. It is available in two grades:
TYL®-ChemTard Agent
Horizontal use: a liqid surface retarder for face up application on freshly placed horizontal concrete surface such as kicker joints and slabs.
TYL®-ChemTard Agent – V
Vertical use: a surface retarder gel for use on vertical forms and face down applications.
Specification Compliance
CEDD G.S. Clause 14.19